Seminar om agrarische financiering te verbeteren in Suriname

November 27, 2023 0 Comments

Meer dan 50 beleidsmakers, bank- en financiële deskundigen en buitenlandse experts kwamen bijeen op een hoogwaardig seminar over garantiesystemen en landbouwfinanciering, georganiseerd door de Voedsel- en Landbouworganisatie van de Verenigde Naties (FAO) in samenwerking met het Garantiefonds voor Bedrijfskredieten van Suriname en de ministeries van Landbouw, Veeteelt en Visserij (LVV) en Financiën & Planning. Het …

A momentous achievement!

November 27, 2023 0 Comments

On October 27th, 2023, three highly skilled farmers from the Para Lab NV Cluster achieved GLOBAL GAP Certification, marking a significant milestone for the Saramacca Fruit and Vegetable Farmers (SFVF). We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Compete Caribbean Unit, The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Principalis Consultancy, SuriSpot, Control Union from the Netherlands, and the …

Boosting local production in Suriname

October 8, 2020 0 Comments

Paralab N.V. recognizes their role and part to play when it comes to the future of Suriname and it’s economy. We want to ensure we have the best quality raw materials available at all times so there needs to be a continuous flow of resources. Raw materials are used to produce preserved/ dried fruits, fruit …

Well house operational

April 8, 2019 0 Comments

Water is one of the most important substances on earth. We as a sustainable agri-food production company know that all too well and that is why April 6 2019 marks an important milestone for the future of Paralab N.V. On this momentous day the well house which is the heart of all production is made …